
Showing posts from March, 2022

For God so Loved the World...

This is very popular in the Bible, so it would be ideal to break it down and dig deep into the meaninig of it.   In Context In the passages before this, Jesus is talking to Nicodemus about being born again.  He says that unless one is born again and of water and Spirit they cannot see the kingdom of God.  He mentions that one born of the flesh is flesh and that one born of the Spirit is spirit.  This is a contrast of the physical body and its functions concerning sin and of the earth versus one being influenced by God.  All those who belong to God possess the divine power of God within them and have a share in God's life.  Nicodemus doesn't understand this and Jesus calls him out on it since he is a well-known religious teacher and explains that He must be lifted up similar to Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness.  He goes on to say the famous passage: Clarified Words loved (ἀγαπάω) - have high esteem for or satisfaction for something, take pleasure in believe (πιστ

Healing of Blind Beggar and Response

  Breakdown Jesus was going to Jericho.  As He was going, there was a blind sitting by the roadside begging. The blind man heard a crowd and inquired about it.  inquire (πυνθάνομαι) - to seek and ask The crowd told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. The blind man cried out to Jesus for mercy. mercy (ἐλεέω) - to be greatly concerned about someone in need; have compassion Those in front rebuked him and told him to be silent. rebuke (ἐπιτιμάω) - to express strong disapproval of someone, censure  The blind man cried out all the more for mercy. all the more (μᾶλλον) - even more loudly Jesus stopped and commanded him to be brought to Him. The blind man came over to Jesus, and Jesus asked what he wanted Him to do for the blind man. The blind man wanted his sight to be recovered. recover (ἀναβλέπω) - regain; blind man was formerly able to see Jesus recovered the blind man's sight.  The blind man's faith made him well. faith (πίστις) - in this instance, belief and trust