
Showing posts from October, 2022

God's Son Supreme + Salvation (Hebrews 1+2)

Jesus, the Heir of All Things According to the author of Hebrews, long ago, at many times & in many ways, God spoke to the fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to Christians by His Son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also He created the world. An heir is one who receives something as a possession & so Jesus Christ received possession of all things. Jesus, the Radiance of God's Glory & Exact Imprint Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God & the exact imprint of His nature, meaning He is the brightness of God's glory & an exact representation of God's real being. Christ also upholds (sustains) the universe by the word of His power.  After Making Purification for Sins After making purification for sins (which means cleansing from inward pollution), He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name He has inherited (acquired) is more excellent than the

A Letter to Roman Catholics

Dear Roman Catholics, It is out of love and sincere compassion that I am writing this letter to you. I was in the Roman Catholic Church for 20+ years until about three years ago. Why did I leave? What caused this decision?  It is because of the numerous errors of the teachings of the Catholic Church when compared to the teachings of Scripture. I want to focus on the main one being salvation. The  Roman Catholic Church teaches that faith + works = salvation. Now, before I go on, I understand that Roman Catholics will argue this. In the Roman Catholic Catechism, it states the following: “The Council of Trent teaches that the Ten Commandments are obligatory for Christians and that the justified man is still bound to keep them; the Second Vatican Council confirms: ‘The bishops, successors of the apostles, receive from the Lord . . . the mission of teaching all peoples, and of preaching the Gospel to every creature, so that all men may attain salvation through faith, Baptism and the observa