Thoughts About Tiredness/Anxiety/Feeling Down

There are tons of people who I know and love that have stress. There are many people who are tired all the time and/or feel down. They may be tired from a long work day or stressed because of something happening in their life. People may be tired and they have no reason to be exhausted, yet they are. There are those who are tired and can't explain why they are so exhausted. To all of these people-I understand what you are going through because I go through it myself. 

I know how hard it can be to stay alert at times. There are circumstances when I just feel like doing nothing because of the tiredness. You just have to try and battle the tiredness and ask the Lord for help. Jesus is the light of the world and brings joy to your life. Paul said in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Jesus is your strength to get through each day whether they are good or bad. 

1 Peter 5:7 states, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Jesus cares for the dying, the sick, and others who are suffering in some way. He cares about your health and well-being because He made you. He is peace, love, compassion, mercy, and comfort. Psalm 27:1 states the following: "The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom should I be afraid?" Have no fear, God is near! This is easier said than done, however-it takes facing your fears to become less fearful.  

People feel down for a variety of reasons-loneliness, not liking their job, etc. or they may not have any reason at all and just feel bad. Remember one thing-you are not alone. This is because Jesus is with you all the time; you got to believe and repent. If you don't feel good at your job, think about those who don't have a job, be grateful, try to maintain a positive outlook, and think about obtaining a new position. If you feel down for no reason, think of a reason to be excited. For example, one may think of the trip he or she went on last year with the family where everyone enjoyed themselves. Maybe a family has a planned event to look forward too such as a wedding or having a child. 


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