Living Stone & Holy People (1 Peter 2:1-12)

Put Away and Long For as Christians

As fellow Christians, we should first of all put away the following with the help of the Holy Spirit:

  • wickedness,
  • falseness,
  • hypocrisy,
  • jealousy,
  • and slander.
Intead, like newborn infants, we should long for uncontaminated spiritual milk where by it we may become greater and grow up in our salvation.  This is if we have come to know the Lord through the process of acquiring an understanding that He is good and kind and experiencing His kindness.  We are to realize that Jesus is chosen by God as elite and the best.

Approach Jesus' Presence

We approach Jesus' presence of one whom is the elite living stone that has been rejected by men.  However, in the sight of God, He is of great value and the best stone. 

What are We Being Built as?

We Christians are built up as a spiritual house.  In other words, in pertaining of the divine spirit, the Christian community is being built as the spirtual temple of God.  We are being built to be a priesthood of royal rank and service where we are consecrated and dedicated to God and the service of God. We are to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  These include good deeds as a result of our faith and being justified for salvation.

According to Scripture...

For the Believers

Peter then writes that God has stated in Isaiah that He is laying in Zion (referring to the new Jerusalem) a cornerstone who is Jesus Christ whom is chosen and precious in God's sight.  Whoever has complete confidence and trust in the Lord will not be disappointed.  They will instead respect the fact that they possess Christ and have Him within their beings.  

For the Non-believers

Peter then refers to what is stated in Psalms about the stone the builders rejected becoming the cornerstone and Isaiah when mentioning a stone of stumbling and rock of offense.  The builders represent the Jewish leaders since they rejected Jesus.  Therefore, the unbelievers, like the Jewish leaders of Jesus' day, take offense at Jesus and reject Him.  They stumble and take offense at Him because they disobey the word as they were committed to do.

Chosen Race, Holy Nation

However, Christians are a chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation and a people for God's own possession.  This is so that we would report via praise the manifestation of God's power.  These manifestations of God's power are of Him who choose one for a receipt of special benefit out of being in a state of unbelievers and of the godless darkened by sin into God's marvelous light that illuminates the spirit and soul of humans.  At one time we were unbelievers at some point and were not God's people but now we are God's people.  Once we were unbelievers and had not received great concern and compassion but now we do.

Sojourners and Exiles

Then Peter refers to Christians as sojourners - Christians of whose real home is in heaven, and exiles - Christians residing temporarily here in this world that is not our home.  He instructs us to keep away from and avoid contact with the desires to do something forbidden which would result in disappointing human behavior that is worldly and sinful.  These passions of the flesh fight against a believer's soul.  

Conduct Among Unbelievers

Peter teaches Christians to keep their behavior among the Gentiles as of moral quality so that when unbelievers speak against them as evildoers, they may see the good deeds and glorify God on the day of Christ's coming.


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