Why Us Binding, Rebuking, etc. is Unbiblical

Binding and Loosing

In the Gospel of Matthew, Peter declares that Jesus is the Son of the living God.  Jesus said that Peter is blessed for God revealed this to Peter.  Jesus then tells Peter that He will build the church (global Christian community) with Him as the head of it and that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.

Jesus then tells Peter that He will give him the keys.  This is a portrayal of Peter as the keeper of heaven's gate.  The next thing Jesus says to Peter is that whatever he binds on earth will be bound in heaven.  This word bind in the Greek is another word for forbidden in this instance.  Then Jesus tells Peter that whatever he loose (permits) on earth will be permitted in heaven.  This permitting and forbidding is based off of the teachings of the Christian faith revealed in Scripture by the Holy Spirit.

In another instance, Jesus is speaking to His 12 apostles.  He says that if one's brother sins against him then he should go tell the brother his fault between the two of them.  If the brother listens, then he has gained a brother.  

However, if the brother does not listen him, then he should go with one or two other people as witnesses so that the charge can be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.  If the brother does not listen at this point, he should tell the church.  The church in this instance deals with a specific Christian assembly involving worship & discussion of mattters of concern to the community.  If the brother even refuses to listen to this specific Christian community, then he should be viewed as an unbeliever.

Then Jesus repeats what He said to Peter where He says that whatever he binds and looses on earth will be bound in heaven. He applies it to the 12 apostles using the same terminology of permitting and forbidding. 

Messiah Casting Out Demons

Jesus heals a demon-oppressed man and the people who witnessed it were amazed at what happened. They questioned whether Jesus could be the Messiah or not.  When the Pharisees heard the crowd, they said that it is only by the prince of demons that Jesus could cast out demons.  A demon is considered a hostile divinity that was said to enter a person causing illness and to cast out a demon is to expel it and drive it out of the person.   

Jesus knew what the Pharisees were thinking and said that every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and that no city or house divided against itself will stand.  He then goes on to explain that if Satan drives out Satan, then he is divided against himself and his kingdom would not stand.  It is not possible to expel a hostile divinity via a hostile divinity. 

Jesus asks the Pharisees that if He were to expel demons by the prince of demons, then by whom would the students of the Pharisees cast demons out? The only possibility would be the prince of demons since it's supernatural.  The students of the Pharisees would convict the Pharisees of wrongdoing.  However, if it is by the Spirit of God that Jesus casts out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon them.

Jesus mentions another way of saying what He previously said.  He states that if one enters Satans dwelling place that they would first have to confine Satan with restraints and then carry off and drag away Satan's property.  They wouldn't be able to carry off Satan's property without being able to bind him first.  In other words, Jesus would enter Satan's dwelling place, have the ability to tie up Satan, and drag away Satan's property. Jesus basically gave evidence to the Pharisees that He has the authority over Satan and is the Messiah.


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