
Showing posts from May, 2022

Living Stone & Holy People (1 Peter 2:1-12)

Put Away and Long For as Christians As fellow Christians, we should first of all put away the following with the help of the Holy Spirit: wickedness, falseness, hypocrisy, jealousy, and slander. Intead, like newborn infants, we should long for uncontaminated spiritual milk where by it we may become greater and grow up in our salvation.  This is if we have come to know the Lord through the process of acquiring an understanding that He is good and kind and experiencing His kindness.  We are to realize that Jesus is chosen by God as elite and the best. Approach Jesus' Presence We approach Jesus' presence of one whom is the elite living stone that has been rejected by men.  However, in the sight of God, He is of great value and the best stone.  What are We Being Built as? We Christians are built up as a spiritual house.  In other words, in pertaining of the divine spirit, the Christian community is being built as the spirtual temple of God.  We are being built to be a priesthood of

Why Us Binding, Rebuking, etc. is Unbiblical

Binding and Loosing In the Gospel of Matthew, Peter declares that Jesus is the Son of the living God.  Jesus said that Peter is blessed for God revealed this to Peter.  Jesus then tells Peter that He will build the church (global Christian community) with Him as the head of it and that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. Jesus then tells Peter that He will give him the keys.  This is a portrayal of Peter as the keeper of heaven's gate.  The next thing Jesus says to Peter is that whatever he binds on earth will be bound in heaven.  This word bind in the Greek is another word for forbidden in this instance.  Then Jesus tells Peter that whatever he loose (permits) on earth will be permitted in heaven.  This permitting and forbidding is based off of the teachings of the Christian faith revealed in Scripture by the Holy Spirit. In another instance, Jesus is speaking to His 12 apostles.  He says that if one's brother sins against him then he should go tell the brot